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                One-stop gift customization platform

                The most professional advertising gift suppliers


                     UTOP has been specialized in export business of Promotion and Advertising products since year 1998, after more than ten years¡¯ unremitting efforts , we have been one of the largest and the most professional Promotion and Advertising suppliers in Ningbo area. We have set up our own factory from year 2002, manufacturing some products and self-innovation, design. At present, UTOP has built more than 18,000 square meters¡¯ Centers of manufacturing, logistics and sales, with annual sales beyond RMB 1.3 billion. Our quality products have been exported to Europe, America, and Asia etc ,more than 50 countries on five continents and regions.And have established long-term and excellent business relationship with the worlds leading gift company.


                One-stop gift customization platform

                The most professional advertising gift suppliers

                OUR ADVANTAGE

                • Great Customer Service

                • Outstanding Product Quality

                • Your ONE-STOP Supplier

                ABOUT US

                Our Building

                Cooperative Partner


                PRODUCT RECOMMEND